sabato 6 febbraio 2016

ARGENTINA: New year and new era ?

ARGENTINA last year choose a new President and apparently it's starting a new era for the Country.

I believe that we can see a long term improvement in local business and life style.



As it's possible that we are at the first step of a new era about business on farmland in Argentina, a little view on local land market value.

Best cropland in North Buenos Aires and South Santa Fe Provinces,
between $10,000 and $15,000 per hectare.
Corn more than 150 bu/acre (>100 qq/ha), beans > 60 bu/acre (>40 qq/ha).

Good cropland in "Pampa Region",
between $4,000 and $8,000 per hectare.
Corn 100-130 bu/acre (65-85 qq/ha), beans 35-45 bu/acre (23-30 qq/ha).

Good wheat cropland in South Buenos Aires province,
between $2,000 and $4,000 per hectare.
Wheat around 40-50 bu/acre (30-40 qq/ha).

Good pasture land for grazing,
between $2,000 and $4,000 per ha.

venerdì 12 aprile 2013

$16,000 for Central Illinois Farmland !!!

$16,000 for Central Illinois Farmland!

APR 04, 2013
Central Illinois saw a new high price of $16,000 an acre paid for quality farmland March 15. The auction, conducted by Worrell-Leka Land Services, LLC, Jacksonville, and called by Darrell Moore, Winchester, featured 596 acres in Cass and Morgan counties. Four of the tracts, featuring 308 acres of PI 128 to 142 (maximum 147) land are located northeast of Litterberry in Morgan County. Two tracts, featuring 288 acres of PI 121 and 124 land are located south of Virginia in Cass County.
The record-breaking price came on a 96-acre tract, the first tract offered, which was 100% tillable and featured high-quality soils with a PI rating of 142.3. Tract 2 also contained 96 acres, nearly all tillable, and carried a PI rating of 141.4. It sold for $15,400 an acre. Tract 3, which featured 48 acres, 98% tillable, and a PI of 138.8, sold for $11,700 an acre. Tract 4, which contained 68 acres, 78% tillable, and a PI of 127.7, brought $8,125 an acre. Tract 5, 76 acres located in Cass County, carried a PI of 124.2. It sold for $5,150 an acre. Tract 6, 213 acres also located in Cass County, featured a PI of 120.8 and a CRP contract paying $100.75 per acre on 46 acres until 2017. It brought $5,150 an acre. 


Iowa Farmland Posts 9.4% Six-Month Gain

MAR 28, 2013

The value of Iowa farmland rose 9.4% from September to March, according to a survey of land professionals conducted by the Iowa Chapter of the REALTORS Land Institute.
The survey pegs the statewide value of an acre of high-quality cropland at $11,515 an acre; the average value of an acre of medium-quality cropland at $8,693 an acre; the average value of an acre of low-quality cropland at $5,864 an acre.

Nebraska Farmland Posts 25% Annual Gain

MAR 25, 2013
The value of Nebraska farmland rose 25% over the 12-month period ending February 1, according to preliminary data from the 2013 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Developments Survey.

Survey: Excellent-quality Illinois Farmland Up 21% in 2012

MAR 14, 2013
A survey of the state's farm managers and appraisers found the value of Illinois farmland again rose by double-digits in 2012 and farmland values are expected to rise in 2013 as well, according to the 2013 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report released today at the Illinois Land Values Conference sponsored by the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
"The price of excellent productivity farmland was estimated at $10,510 per acre price on Jan. 1, 2012 and $12,670 per acre price on Dec. 31, 2012, an increase of 21% during the year," says Dale Aupperle, AFM, ARA, general chairman for the annual Land Values Report program sponsored by the Society. "Good quality farmland price was estimated at $8,980 at the beginning of the year and $10,500 at the end of the year, an increase of 17%. Average farmland price was $7,560 per acre at the beginning of year and $8,770 at the end of year, an increase of 16%. And Fair productivity price was $5,980 at the beginning of the year and $6,980 at the end of the year, indicating a price increase of 17%."

domenica 10 febbraio 2013

Warren Buffett: I’m ‘optimistic about America’

Aired on January 02, 2013

Warren Buffett: I’m ‘optimistic about America’

“I’m optimistic about America…”

 “If you live in America, you’re in the right place…you’re born in the right place at the right time.”

 “Tomorrow is always uncertain, but the future is always certain.” What is so important about this is that you can always move forward even if the present moment is tough.

venerdì 2 novembre 2012

$21,900 per Acre for Sioux County Farmland!

$21,900 per Acre for Sioux County Farmland!

OCT 25, 2012
Now it's $21,900 an acre for Sioux County, Iowa farmland. Remember that $20,000-an-acre auction in Sioux County about a year ago? Well... never mind. Now it's $21,900 an acre. The parcel, sold today by Rich Vander Werff, Vander Weff & Associates, Inc., Sanborn, was 80.5 acres located a little southwest of Boyden. It featured 79 flat tillable acres and carried a CSR2 of 84.1 and a CSR of 73.7. The county average CSR (not CSR2) is 64.8. (CSR2 is an updated soil evaluation system released recently by Iowa State University. It replaces the old CSR, which has been around since the 1970s. While carrying the same name, CSR2 is not really comparable to CSR. "It's like comparing apples to oranges," one expert tells me. It includes new soil productivity factors developed since CSR's original development. These new factors tell much more about the soil's producitive capability.)
"We had four bidders above $20,000," says Vander Werff. "All were local. There were more than 150 people in attendance."
Annual Land Report is now available. For more information, click here.
If interested in seeing a copy of LandOwner, just drop me an email at landowner@profarmer.comor call 800-772-0023.


Fincas en Traslasierra, Provincia de Cordoba, Argentina

Venta de lotes de 5 y 10 has aprox., usd 7,500 por has, en La Poblacion, Cba.